Thursday, November 29, 2012


Fixing the poaching and bushmeat problem in the Serengeti requires a multi-step solution. In the short term, more patrolling should be continued since it has already proven to be a good method in reducing the amount of animals killed (10). Employing more people to patrol will not only prevent poaching but also create jobs for local people so that poaching becomes unnecessary because they have a more steady source of income. As shown by a study, the reliance on the Serengeti for poaching and bushmeat by local people is caused by the rapid growth in population and low economic status (1). To solve this would require finances and government support. One hypothetical way to solve this could be diverting more money that comes from tourism towards the local people rather than the big corporations. Since poaching and bushmeat is attributed to poverty and a lack of protein, if these people have more finances maybe they will be able to find more sustainable foods as well as will not need to rely on illegal ways of earning money. Also, money from tourism can be used towards education on population and birth rates so that people can learn about birth control to help reduce the rapidly expanding population. Even though the settlements and agriculture of the local people is an encroaching issue on the Serengeti, it is unethical to remove them from the lands, so hopefully, through supporting the local people financially and through birth control education less of the Serengeti will be impacted.
            Another problem that needs to be fixed is the amount of traffic that goes through the Serengeti as well as the building of roads through the Serengeti. There should be more restriction to how close the vehicles can be to the animals. However,  the major problem that needs to be fixed is the amount of roads that are built. Tourism should only use common roads rather than build new ones that give poachers more access to animals. Also,  the planned Serengeti highway should not be built through the migration path of the wildebeests but should take a longer route that does not interfere with the migrating animals.
            Overall, the current conservation and general support of the Serengeti is very positive, so as long as this extends into the future, the Serengeti is in good shape. Tourism is a very good way that anyone can show support for the Serengeti. Through the support of the local people, the nation, and the world, the Serengeti will continue to thrive as one of the most fascinating and significant ecosystems in the world.
The beautiful Serengeti that can be preserved through diligent conservation efforts.

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